Making things happen for goldstone primary!

About the FrOGS

Who are the FrOGS?

FrOGS stands for ‘Friends of Goldstone School’ and is the PTA (Parent, Teacher Association) for Goldstone Primary School. The group comprises parents, carers and teacher/staff volunteers.

A lot of people think that the role of the PTA is just to fund-raise for the school – it is actually so much more, as anyone who has heard Chris Pearson (headteacher) talk on the subject will testify! In many ways, the most important job we do is to help make the school a community, by fostering relationships between parents, and between staff and parents, and by providing fun activities and social events for both children and adults. The thing that makes Goldstone special is that wonderful warm, friendly atmosphere throughout the school – and our job is to help create that!

But there is more to it than that – with children from a wide variety of backgrounds, it is important that we provide affordable and fun opportunities  – so that every child can leave Goldstone with memories of fun experiences that they may not have been able to have without the FrOGS. We want to make sure every child is included, and every child has opportunities to see, try and do a variety of activities during their time at Goldstone. From organising discos and fairs, to film clubs and wheelie days.

And we want parents to get the most out of their child’s school years too! By organising pub nights, quiz nights, fashion shows, and even bingo nights, we aim to provide a bit of something for everyone! We want every parent to feel part of the same community within Goldstone.

Obviously, there is the fund-raising aspect – it is not our central aim, but it is an important one nonetheless!  By attending FrOGS events, or donating items, or taking part in other FrOGS activities, you help us with this.. and that benefits all of our children!

Do you know where FrOGS money goes?

In the last few years we have paid for the outdoor gym, a climbing wall for the juniors, the outdoor classroom, playground equipment, a PA system and lots more.

On top of that we provide the presents that a ‘special visitor’ gives out to every child at Christmas, and provide a barbecue and leaving gift for every Year Six child when the time comes to leave Goldstone.

Click here to find out more

Would you like to get involved?

There are lots of ways you can be involved. You could join the FrOGS committee and help plan the events. We meet up on average once a month or sometimes more often on the build up to a big event like the Christmas fair. Our meetings tend to happen on a Friday during school hours over a cuppa.

If that sounds too time consuming, then you could volunteer to help at events – can you help run a cake stand at the Christmas fair, sell glow sticks at the Halloween disco or do face painting at the summer fair? Could you do a food run on the day and buy healthy snacks or can you help set up before the event or tidy up afterwards?

Even if you can’t volunteer, you can still help by bringing in chocolate, bottle, cake donations to help with events and by coming along to events with your child.

How to get in touch

Email us at or join the FrOGS facebook group.


Friends of Goldstone School is a registered charity


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